Let’s Work Together

As a life coach and hypnotist I use my skills strategically. You can reach your goals with research-​based methods that have been proven to work. Hypnosis can help you change habits that have ​become difficult to live with.

Hypnosis is a useful tool for creating long-term change in behavior, habits and limiting beliefs. It ​utilizes the power of the subconscious mind to redirect your focus in order to achieve limitless ​possibilities. Through hypnosis you are able to reprogram the way you interpret things and the ​meanings you have attached to various scenarios. Creating a narrative that is transformative and ​empowering gives you the ability to finally make real changes. The benefits of hypnosis are backed ​by numerous studies that consistently confirm its effectiveness. Hypnosis has been proven effective ​for anxiety, weight-loss, procrastination, and depression.

If you are here it is because you are ready to take the important step towards transformation. Our ​journey will facilitate this process. Contact me for a free consultation.


20-minute consultation-free

60 minute life-coaching and/or hypnosis - $135 -in-person/$100-Zoom

60 minute past life-regression - $135-in-person/$100-Zoom

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) - $200 in-person